Annual reports

The Australian Disability Network’s annual reports explain how we have worked with and support Australian organisations to build their confidence to welcome employees, customers and stakeholders with disability.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

The Australian Disability Network’s (AND) Annual Report 2023 provides valuable insights into the tactics, activities and experiences of Australia’s strongest business disability network.

This year our Annual Report brings to life the meaning of our work for members, for mentees, and mentors, for interns and their supervisors, and our community.


“This perfectly summarises the exceptional year of growth we’ve had within our network and internally. Through the new products and services we’ve introduced and our network’s commitment hitting new heights, this report showcases the impact we’re making to create a disability confident Australia.”

Corene Strauss, CEO of Australian Disability Network


Download the reports in Word or PDF formats:

Past Annual Reports and Financial Statements




Read our 20th Anniversary Foundation Story.





Our auditors

Sincere thanks to Scott Tobutt and the team at PKF for providing pro bono auditing services to the Australian Disability Network.


“PKF are proud to be able to support the Australian Disability Network through performing our audit services on a pro bono basis. As an organisation, the Australian Disability Network provides an invaluable service in promoting and supporting businesses that encourage employment of people with disability, and for us to be able to support them and thank them for their community efforts is a privilege to our team.”

Scott Tobutt, Audit Partner, PKF Sydney

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