Enhance your customer and employee experience

Understand how people with disability interact with your business

The challenge

You want to ensure that your products, services and environments are accessible and provide the best possible experience for people with disability, however, you may not know where to start or what approach to take.

A person’s experience with disability can be as unique as their fingerprint and every person has a different range of needs.

The solution: the power of Disability Inclusive Design

Disability Inclusive Design is a collaborative and inclusive design process that involves people with lived experience of disability in the design and development of products, services, environments and/or systems. This process allows you to understand the experiences and needs of people who interact with your business and drive innovative solutions to enhance the experience and meet those needs.

Our approach

Our approach supports you to consider and understand the experiences of your customers, employees and stakeholders with disability and how they interact with your products, services and environments. We can provide you with valuable insights from people who interact with your business and the recommendations you need to enhance your products, services and environments to be more accessible for people with disability.

Services we offer

  • Review of policies, design guidelines and strategies  User research including literature reviews, interviews, focus groups and surveys
  • User testing, which includes co-design testing of products and services and a walkthrough of premises.

How our approach can benefit your business

  • Reputation [1] – 58% of people with disability say the way businesses treat them affects the shopping habits of their family and friends..
  • Reduces risk  – In 2021 52% of disability discrimination complaints related to goods, services and facilities. [2]
  • Reduce costs by investing in embedding accessibility into the design of products, services and environments, it reduces retrofit costs.

Designing for disability equals design for all. Design solutions that focus on accessibility can benefit everyone.  For example:

  • Designs for people with neurological disability can support people who do not have the time to read or focus on comprehensive information.
  • Closed captioning benefits people who are Deaf or deaf* and/or hard of hearing but can also benefit people who are in noisy environments.
  • OXO good grip peelers – The design was made to allow for easy control for people with limited strength in hands. It is now one of the most popular peelers worldwide.

Get in touch

Get in touch with our Consultancy team to discuss how we can support you to embed accessibility into the design of your products, services and environments. You can contact us on 02 8270 9200 or email userexperience@ausdn.org.au

Sources and additional information

[1] Business Disability Forum. (2021). What disabled consumers choose to buy and why. Retrieved from: Report – What disabled consumers choose to buy and why – Business Disability Forum. Retrieved on 2 November 2022] 

[2] Australian Human Rights Commission. (2022). Complaint Statistics 2021 – 2022. Retrieved from: Annual Report 2021-2022 | Australian Human Rights Commission. [Retrieved on 29 November 2022]

* Deaf with a capital D is used to refer to people who have been Deaf all their lives, or since they started to learn to talk. deaf with a lowercase d refers to people with hearing loss.

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