Alumni Connect

About the Network

Alumni Connect is Australia’s first Alumni Network for talented university graduates with a disability.

The network connects over 2000 graduates who have taken part in our award-winning Stepping Into Internship Program with employers who want to broaden their recruitment pool and increase diversity in their workforce.

Alumni Connect supports our vision to link Australian organisations to more people with disability and support graduates with disability to fulfil their career aspirations.

Stepping Into Alumni: Develop your career!

If you have completed the Stepping Into program, then you are automatically part of our Alumni cohort! This is your chance to connect with our employer members, link in with the alumni community and further develop your career.

Get involved and gain the opportunity to network with employers, attend development events, build relationships with others who have completed Stepping Into, and gain confidence in the workforce.

  • Receive our quarterly newsletter detailing exclusive job opportunities from our member network, read alumni profile stories and access learning & development resources
  • Attend industry events, panel discussions, social networking sessions and employer showcases (face-to-face & virtual)
  • Access the online alumni discussion forum including a hub of resources

Register here to continue your involvement in the Stepping Into community

Members: Connect with skilled graduates with disability

The network will allow you to tap into a market of highly skilled graduates with disability who have experience in a broad range of industries.

This is an excellent opportunity to connect with our graduates, recruit skilled employees, increase the diversity of your workforce, and improve your disability confidence.

Members, register here to express your interest in connecting with skilled graduates with disability 

Our Founding Partners

Launching the Alumni Connect network would not have been possible without the support of our founding partners:

We are grateful for their vision and commitment which aligns to our goal of connecting Australian organisations to more people with disability and creating a disability-confident Australia.

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