Become a Disability-Confident Recruiter

Do you want to access the entire talent pool and encourage people with disability to apply for your roles but don’t know where to start?

Australian  Disability Network’s Disability Confident Recruiter is a status you can achieve by removing barriers in your recruitment process to make it more accessible and inclusive for people with disability.

Removing Barriers in Recruitment

You may not even know that your recruitment process or the recruiters you engage have these barriers, or what they are. This is why our Disability Confident Recruiter is a great place to start. It will tell you what you need to do to remove barriers. You may be surprised at how easy Disability Confident Recruiter status is to achieve.

What’s involved?

Disability Confident Recruiter consists of two phases – Discovery and Education. Australian Disability Network guides organisations in completing Discovery, which is a review of your end-to-end recruitment process. The Education phase supports your employees in building knowledge and awareness of Inclusive Recruitment through  e-learn training. To maintain Disability Confident Recruiter status, organisations are reviewed on an ongoing and annual basis.

For more information on the program, contact our team today.

Gain recognition and lead change

By signing our Charter, and completing Disability Confident Recruiter, your organisation will be recognised as a Disability Confident Recruiter, committed to removing barriers to recruitment and selection.

Gain recognition as one of an elite group of Australian organisations who have seen the benefits of being disability confident and taken the necessary steps to achieve it. These organisations are making a genuine impact for change by making accessibility a key element of recruitment.

Disability Confident Recruiter Organisations

Australian Disability Network are proud to share the following organisations have an ongoing commitment to removing barriers in their recruitment processes and practices, gaining recognition as disability confident recruiters.

See how RMIT became the first Australian university to achieve DCR status.

Read case study

Contact Us

Want to learn more about Disability Confident Recruiter?

Email or call us today!

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