About the Internship Program
Australian Disability Network’s Internship Program provides paid, practical work experience for university students and recent graduates with disability. We understand the unique challenges you may face, such as gaps in your resume or limited access to part time work while studying.
Through this Internship Program, you’ll have the chance to work with inclusive employers who value diverse talent and are committed to creating accessible workplaces. These internships are designed to help you build your confidence, gain valuable experience and take the next steps toward your career goals.
Why choose this Internship Program?
Since 2005, we’ve connected talented students and graduates with top employers across Australia. Our alumni are more likely to secure employment after completing an internship, setting them up for long-term career success.
Watch our internship alumni talk about their experience
To participate in the program, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a person with disability – Need more information? Visit our What is Disability? page to learn more about the different types of disability.
- Be registered with disability services at your university or be able to provide a note from a medical or allied health professional. Your privacy is important to us. Any details about your disability will be removed from your application before it is shared with an employer.
- Be a university (or tertiary institution) student in your second-last or final year or a recent graduate (within three years of your application date).
- Not be on a leave of absence from your studies.
- Have working rights in Australia, such as citizenship, permanent residency or a valid visa for international students.
Program Commitment
By applying for the Internship Program, you are committing to fully participate in all stages of the process, and if successful, the internship itself. This includes:
- Actively engaging in the application process, including attending an online interview and Plan for Success sessions
- Being available for the entire internship duration, which is a minimum of 4 weeks (152 hours)
- Dedicating yourself to the role if selected, including meeting the expectations of the host organisation and contributing meaningfully to your internship.
- Your commitment is key to making the most of this opportunity and ensuring a successful experience for both you and the host organisation.
If you have further questions about whether you are eligible for the Internship Program, please contact the Programs team at applications@AusDN.org.au or 02 8270 9200.
Key Dates
Internship opportunities are advertised in March for the Winter semester break and in August for the Summer break.
Winter 2025
- Applications open: 14th March 2025
- Applications close: 20th April 2025
- Internship period: July to September 2025
Applications submitted before the closing date will be prioritised. We may still accept applications after the closing date, on a case-by-case basis.
Plan for Success Sessions
After applying for an internship, don’t miss our Plan for Success sessions!
These online workshops are designed to help you build professional and personal skills to support your internship and future career goals. Hosted by the AusDN Programs Team or our host organisations, these sessions offer valuable insights and guidance.
Sessions are held seasonally, in:
- April/May for Winter internships
- September/October for Summer internship
Available Internship Opportunities
our next internship is waiting for you! You can view available internships by:
- Visiting the Current Opportunities page
- Downloading the full list of roles in an Excel sheet (optional)
New roles are added weekly, so be sure to check back regularly for positions that might suit you.
Once you have found roles that match your skills and experience, please submit an application – you only need to apply once.
Select up to 5 roles on your application! If you wish to change the order of your preferences, or add additional roles to your application reach out to application@ausdn.org.au with a list of roles including the Position ID.
Apply for an Internship
To complete your application, follow these steps:
1. Submit an Online Application.
Complete the application form online. You only need to apply once. If you need to update your preferences or information after submitting, email the Programs Team at applications@AusDN.org.au, and they will assist you. Please read through the application process
2. Choose Your Preferences.
Select at least three preferences (maximum five) from the Current Opportunities page.
3. Review Position Descriptions
Carefully read the position description for all the roles you are applying for and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
4. Prepare the Supporting Documents
Ensure you have the following documents ready to upload. Applications without these will not be considered:
- Current CV
- Academic transcript (official or unofficial accepted)
- Relevant disability information (eg. Disability Access Plan from Disability Services at your university or a note from a medical professional)
The Applicant Journey
We’re often asked about the entire journey for applicants. Below is an overview of what happens from the time you submit an application until you find out if you’ve been successful.
- Submit Application. Your application begins the process.
- Online Interview with AusDN Programs Team – Participate in an interview to discuss your skills, experience, and goals.
- Attend Plan for Success Session – Join a workshop hosted by AusDN to help you prepare for your internship journey.
- Application Review – The AusDN Programs Team reviews your application, interview insights, and preferences.
- Shortlisting for Internship Roles – The Programs Team matches your application with suitable roles.
- Submit Personalised Cover Letter – If shortlisted, you’ll be asked to write a tailored cover letter for the specific role.
- Applications Sent to Employer (Host Organisation) – AusDN forwards your shortlisted application to the employer.
- Interview with Employer (Host Organisation) – Shortlisted candidates are contacted by the employer for an interview.
- Outcome Communication – Employers inform you directly about the outcome of the recruitment process. Please contact the AusDN Programs team at applications@AusDN.org.au if you have not been contacted after your interview with an outcome.
- Successful Applicants Offered Internships – If successful, you’ll negotiate the terms of your internship with the employer.
- Ongoing Support from AusDN – The AusDN Programs Team will provide support and regular check-ins throughout your internship.
For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Frequently asked Questions
Question 1: When are applications for internships open?
- Winter Semester Break: internship opportunities are advertised in March and April.
- Summer Semester Break: internship opportunities are advertised in August and September.
Question 2: Can I apply for the Internship Program more than once?
Yes, you can reapply for the program each time you meet the eligibility criteria. There’s no limit to how many times you can apply.
Question 3: Who should I contact if I have any questions?
We’re here to help you every step of the way! Contact the AusDN Programs Team on application@ausdn.org.au or call 02 8270 9200. Our dedicated team is excited to support you throughout the application process and during your internship journey.
Question 4: What documents do I require to lodge an application?
- Current resume/CV
- Academic Transcript (Official and Unofficial accepted)
- Relevant Disability Information (Access plan from Disability Services at your university or a note from a medical professional)
When completing your application form, please submit documents in Word or PDF format. Screenshots will not be accepted and may cause delays in processing your application.
Question 5: Where do I start?
Begin by searching for available and check if you meet the role requirements. If you find roles, you’re eligible for, you can start your application. You may select up to five preferred roles in your application.
Search for available roles on the Current Opportunities page
Question 6: I have applied before. Do I need to submit a new application?
Yes, all candidates will need to submit a new application, even if they have previously applied for the program.
Question 7: Can I apply for an internship in a state other than where I normally reside?
Yes, you can. However, you will be responsible for covering all relocation costs for the duration of the internship.
Question 8: Can you provide some general tips when filling out the application form?
- Ensure you complete all fields. Leaving any section blank is an incomplete application.
- Check for spelling, grammar and language. Get someone to proof-read before submitting.
- If you use industry related terms or acronyms, ensure you elaborate, and ask yourself, would the recruiter understand this?
- Other interests, activities and achievements. In this section, you should mention any involvement in extracurricular activities such as sporting clubs, university activities, achievements and prizes, either in your employment history, at university or the community. The employer wants to get an understanding of who you are outside of your studies.
- Career objectives. In this section, you should be clear about what your career goals are, what career interests you hope to pursue. Explain why you chose your course of study and how your studies are relevant to your career objectives. The employer is interested in knowing why you have applied for the internship and your interest in being considered for an internship in their organisation.
- Other work-related skills and abilities. For this section, include any work-related skills and abilities you have and for each, provide an example of how you have demonstrated such skill either through your employment history, university or in the community. The skills could include technical skills (for example, specific computer programs/software you have competencies in) or soft skills (such as customer service, communications skills and ability to work in a team). The employer is interested in how your skills and abilities will match the internship offered and your ability to work effectively in their organisation.
Question 9: What happens if I change my mind about my preferred role(s) after submitting an application?
If you need to update your preferences or any other information after submitting, please contact the Programs Team at applications@ausdn.org.au.
Question 10: How do I update my personal details if I have already submitted an application?
Please contact the Programs Team at applications@ausdn.org.au and they will update your application.
Question 11: What is a workplace adjustment?
A workplace adjustment is a modification to a work process, practice, procedure or environment that enables a person with disability to perform their job in a way that minimises the impact of the barriers they face at work
Question 12: What are some examples of commonly requested workplace adjustments?
Some examples include, but are not limited to:
- Being able to work from home Flexible working hours
- Access to quiet room in the workplace
- Taking time off for breaks, appointments and to manage your condition
- Change in communication style
- Modified workspaces such providing ergonomic chairs, adjusting desk heights
- Extra supervision
- Accessible formats such as providing documents in large print or digital formats compatible with screen readers
- Requesting interview questions in advance
Question 13: What does it mean to be shortlisted?
Being shortlisted means you have been selected as one of the candidates whose skills and experience aligns with the role. Your application will be submitted to the employer for consideration, and you will be invited for an interview.
If you are shortlisted the AusDN Programs team will contact you and request you to submit a cover letter.
They will provide you with an example of a cover letter.
Question 14: How many roles can I be shortlisted for?
You can only be shortlisted for one role.
Question 15: What happens after my interview with the host organisation?
After your interview, the host organisation will inform you whether you have been successful. If you are selected, you will be offered an internship. Please contact the AusDN Programs team at applications@AusDN.org.au if you have not been contacted after your interview with an outcome.