Question 1: What does PACE stand for?
Answer 1: PACE stands for Positive Action towards Career Engagement.
Question 2: How much time will it take up?
Answer 2: The PACE Mentoring Program spans four months , during which we recommend you meet with your mentor 6-8 times. The mentee leads interactions and the number of meetings may depend on your goals for the program. Meetings typically go for 1-2 hours, and are held during ordinary business hours (9am to 5pm).
Question 3: What do mentors and mentees do together?
Answer 3: Your meetings will centre around a discussion of your career goals. It is also an opportune time to review practical skills for job application processes.
You may talk about your previous experiences, your skillset, professional plans, alongside your career and education pathways.
Other activities may include:
- reviewing resume and cover letters
- doing mock interviews
- visiting worksites
- networking with other professionals
- discussing workplace adjustments
- building confidence.
Question 4: How should mentors and mentees communicate?
Answer 4: You and your mentor will work out how best to arrange meeting and communicate with each other. This will happen at your first meeting. We recommend that some of the sessions happen at the mentor’s workplace.
Question 5: Who should manage the relationship?
Answer 5: Once we’ve matched you with a mentor, you should make the initial contact by email. At the first meeting you will agree the meeting dates, times and goals for the program. You will be responsible for recording all the actions and outcomes after each meeting and monitoring your progress.
Question 6: How do I ensure the mentoring is successful?
Answer 6: To get the most out of it:
- set realistic and measurable goals
- maximise the time available
- be honest with your mentor
- have mutual respect
- set clear expectations and have open communication.
Question 7: How do I know if I am eligible?
Answer 7: To participate you must be at least 18 years old and have a disability. We expected you to commit to developing your confidence, communication skills and problem-solving skills to support yourself as you set out into the workforce.
You’ll need to give us any relevant information about your disability and any workplace adjustments or modifications that you may need during the program.
If you need an adjustment that has a cost (e.g. an Auslan interpreter), your mentor’s organisation will pay for this.
Question 8: When should I apply to be a mentee?
Answer 8: The matching process takes place in early March and early August each year. It is recommended that you apply ahead of those months, however, you can apply at any time and your application will be kept on file until the next available program.
Question 9: Who should I direct any problems I encounter to?
Answer 9: If you have any issues or problems during the mentoring program, contact the PACE program team.