Directing Change Scholarship

A Director’s guide: Improving Access and Inclusion in the boardroom

The Australian Disability Network Director’s Guide is designed to support boards to become more accessible and inclusive. This guide has been developed as part of the initiatives under the Directing Change Scholarship Program.

Directors in Australia recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion, yet people with disability remain significantly underrepresented on most boards.

This guide offers actionable steps to change that by focusing on disability inclusion. Implementing robust processes will help your board create an environment that welcomes directors with disability and champion inclusivity across your organisation.

With insights from directors who have lived experience of disability, let’s work together to make Australia’s boards more inclusive.

Download Australian Disability Network’s Director Guide (Interactive PDF, 3 MB)

The cover of the Director's Guide: Improving Access and Inclusion in the boardroom. Four men, one is a wheelchair user and a woman are seated around at table.

A Director’s Guide – Podcast

You can also listen to our five part podcast on improving access and inclusion in the boardroom. The transcripts are in the section below.


About the Directing Change Scholarship

The Directing Change Scholarship is a three-year (2022-2024) educational program that creates a unique pathway for aspiring leaders with disability to join company boards.

The program prepares leaders with disability for directorship roles and builds the disability confidence and diversity of Australian boards.

Together with a governance course from the Australian Institute of Company Directors, participants receive an eight-month tailored mentoring program that matches them with experienced board members which has a twofold impact:

  1. the participants receive practical and relevant guidance and creates new networks
  2. the director i.e. mentor, is exposed to the challenges and barriers persons with disabilities face joining a company board.

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