Members demonstrating innovation

Inclusiveness empowers Medibank to deliver better products and services

Tue 16 June 2020

It’s not enough to have our own guidelines for inclusiveness. Our suppliers need to as well.

said Nigel Davis, Head of Inclusion, Sustainability & Engagement at Medibank.

Access and inclusion have been an integral part of Medibank’s culture since it was privatised in 2014.

“As an organisation, we are values lead and purpose driven,” explained Nigel Davis. “We are often interacting with our customers at a time of high need. Having an inclusive and accessible culture ensures we can better understand our customers to provide the products and services they want.”

Medibank has participated in the Access and Inclusion Index every year since 2016 and, according to Nigel Davis, the Index helps Medibank understand:

  • What inclusion should look like;
  • Where they are now; and
  • Which areas within the organisation need improvement.

“We use it as a roadmap to follow. We know we rank highly but there is always more we could be doing. Our participation in the Benchmark Report keeps us accountable. It’s how we can keep moving forward.” said Nigel.

For Medibank, inclusiveness means encouraging people to ‘come as you are’ so the organisation can challenge its thinking and improve the way it delivers its products and services.

In fact, I believe our culture of inclusiveness empowers the organisation to leverage from our differences for the benefit of our customers.

In the 2019 Access and Inclusion Index, Medibank ranked highly for its commitment to expanding its focus on access and inclusion to include its Suppliers and Partners.

The organisation has a Supplier Code of Conduct as well as a formal, written Procurement Policy. Both documents work together so Medibank can actively explore opportunities to engage organisations who share their values on accessibility and inclusion for people with disability, gender equality, cultural diversity and LGBTI inclusion.

In 2019, Medibank introduced a formal process for all Tier One suppliers so it could better understand their suppliers’ approach to accessibility and inclusion and ensure Medibank partners with organisations that share their core values.

Medibank has now included an access and inclusion criteria on their procurement checklist to aid the supplier selection process. In particular, the checklist applies to suppliers across Information and Communication Technology and marketing. All suppliers in these categories must meet WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.

Importantly, new products won’t be launched until they meet these criteria. In addition, there are plans in place to either modify or replace current systems that have accessibility issues.

The Medibank Live Better app demonstrates how placing accessibility at the forefront of product development works to benefit everyone.

The Live Better app is a loyalty program where customers can track their physical fitness, mental health, diet and exercise habits. They can then redeem points or receive discounts for living a healthier life and developing better health habits.

“From the beginning, we wanted to make this app accessible to everyone. So the project specifications included accessibility provisions”, Nigel said.

To achieve this goal, at every stage of the app’s development, the external developers worked with specialist accessibility evaluation providers and Medibank personnel with lived experience.

“Being an organisation that values inclusiveness means we are constantly challenging our thinking to improve the way we deliver services. It’s not enough to rank highly. We need to be constantly improving.”

Westpac optimises employment through Tailored Talent

Wed 3 October 2018

Westpac Group has partnered with Specialisterne Australia to deliver its new Tailored Talent internship program. Designed to facilitate a heightened connection between Westpac’s recruitment needs and career opportunities for talented people on the autism spectrum, Westpac is already seeing the benefits. A targeted approach has helped the company to discover remarkable talent, build engagement and optimise its broader employment strategy.

Specialisterne was a key contributor to the innovative employment model, which helps create alternative pathways for organisations to access neurodiverse talent. Their practical approach to recruitment enables them to identify individuals’ unique skills and abilities, which standard recruitment processes overlook. By gaining an understanding of Westpac’s workplace and recruitment needs, Specialisterne was able to match the best candidates, as well as support integration and cultural change. Commenting on their role in the partnership, Employment Services Manager Vicky Little said:

“The key word is careers. It’s not just about jobs, it’s about long-term, meaningful opportunities. By changing recruitment practices for one part of the population, it will benefit everyone.”

Trevor Quach was selected as an intern for the pilot intake of Tailored Talent. His communication difficulties, particularly when tested in highly competitive environments, made traditional interview processes impossible, leaving Trevor as the eternal academic. Describing his experiences at a recent Australian Disability Network member roundtable in Sydney, he said:

I couldn’t get a job until the Tailored Talent program. Now, I feel motivated, driven and excited to work very hard. I feel an enormous sense of loyalty to Westpac.

Trevor is one of several interns making an impact through innovative problem-solving at Westpac. In just three months, one candidate selected for the cyber team has solved complex problems that have existed for years.

Westpac Inclusion and Diversity Consultant Rachel Ranton said the Tailored Talent program was an initiative ‘driven by our people’ to identify the unique strengths and capabilities of candidates that might otherwise have been missed. In consultation with Specialisterne, they decided on 12-month paid internships to start with, with the view to provide ongoing employment. Acknowledging some of the overarching business objectives of the program, she said:

“We hadn’t been able to find the right talent through our traditional recruitment processes. We don’t want 1000 different programs with 1000 different approaches. We want to take what we learn and apply that across our broader recruitment practice.”

With touchpoints across the entire organisation, all Westpac’s people leaders are critical to the ongoing success of Tailored Talent. Hiring managers may need to adjust their own and their team’s communication styles, know their obligations to maintain privacy for those who don’t want to share information about their disability, and play an active role in reducing anxiety for new team members. While internal support, engagement and confidence are key success factors, Ms Little said the critical element is strong leadership:

“The strongest indicator of success is a supportive manager; those who take the time to understand their employees’ strengths, needs and preferred ways of learning. All that’s needed is good management and communication skills.”

Six months in, Tailored Talent has helped Westpac to amplify disability confidence and engage the whole business in the benefits of a workforce that includes people with disability. The aim now is to place the interns into permanent roles, in accordance with their individual strengths and interests. Encouraging other organisations to realise the far-reaching benefits of programs like Tailored Talent, Ms Ranton said:

Understand your own organisation, understand your options, and then develop partnerships to help you bring it to life.

Five tips for implementing a targeted employment program

Westpac Inclusion and Diversity Consultant Rachel Ranton offered five tips to other Australian Disability Network members thinking about a targeted employment program:

  1. Gain executive buy-in and support.
  2. Say you’re going to do it and then figure out how. If you’re hesitant, put something out internally to gauge interest (an internal announcement to launch Tailored Talent at Westpac was one of the company’s top two most-read communications).
  3. Research your options and find a program that will work best for the needs of your organisation.
  4. Understand your organisation’s maturity in terms of access and inclusion and choose a partner that fits.
  5. Ensure there are people willing to commit across all areas of your business. Engage your workforce and allow them to have ownership.

The Australian Disability Network can help you find the right disability employment support service for you to partner with and create your own success story. Contact your Relationship Manager for more information.

Westpac Group

Westpac Group is a founding Platinum Member of the Australian Disability Network.

Specialisterne Australia

Specialisterne Australia helps employers understand, value and include the unique capabilities of people on the autism spectrum.


RMIT’s commitment to accessibility and inclusion earns top place in 2019-20 Index Benchmark Report

Tue 2 June 2020

RMIT has participated in the Index every year since 2016 and it has provided a framework for continuous improvement while guiding the progress of the Accessibility Action Plan.

RMIT University’s Chief Operating Officer and Senior Disability Champion, Dionne Higgins, said participation in the Index reflected the University’s commitment to maintain and build accessible physical, cultural and digital environments for all our community.

“Being an inclusive place to work and study is what makes RMIT special. This Index will help ensure our approach and services remain strong, relevant and measured so we can constantly improve to make a difference for everyone,” she said.

This commitment to access and inclusion earned RMIT the spot of Top Performer in the 2019-20 Index, a huge achievement that recognises the commitment and action taken by so many across RMIT to improve access and inclusion.

It has helped RMIT to improve access to employment, training and development, products and services, premises, communications and information communication technology.

Lara Rafferty, RMIT Associate Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion, and Chair of the Accessibility Working Group, said RMIT’s achievement as top performer in the Index reflected a ‘whole-of-community’ approach to improving access and inclusion.

Participating in the Access and Inclusion Index has been a great way for us to document our achievements over the past year, benchmark our progress, and engage the RMIT community on the next actions we need to take.

As a multi-sector university with more than 94,000 students and 12,000 staff globally, embedding cultural change and practical improvements at RMIT is not a simple task.

RMIT’s Digital Accessibility Framework was developed and launched in 2019, as a result of an external and consultative review, and drew on the insights from the Access and Inclusion Index report to enhance RMIT’s strategic commitment to digital accessibility.

RMIT considered what the standards for accessibility should be for their software and digital content, and what they need to do to meet them, in order to develop the plan for 2020 and beyond.

The new Digital Accessibility Framework creates pathways for greater inclusion, setting consistent standards for delivering online information, content and services to meet the needs of the diverse community at RMIT and making them accessible and engaging for a wider audience.

By creating consistent standards for digital accessibility, RMIT will set an important goal to both meet and celebrate the diverse needs of the community of students and staff and improve everyone’s experience at RMIT.

Amy Love, RMIT Senior Inclusion Manager, People, said that participation in the Index Benchmark Report is an investment for the future of the RMIT.

“It elevates the standard for us to work toward and provides an opportunity to implement leading practices,” she said.

“This is advocated not only by our leaders at RMIT, but also raises the expectations of our staff and students to live and experience our value of inclusion. RMIT is proud that we have been ranked as the top performer in the Index.”

About the Access and Inclusion Index

The Access and Inclusion Index is Australia’s foremost corporate benchmarking tool for inclusion of people with disability. It supports organisations to assess their performance across 10 key business areas, which contributes to an overall score out of 100.

No matter where you are on the journey to disability confidence, the Index helps you:

  • Deeply understand access and inclusion across your organisation
  • Gain insights into areas of strength and opportunity
  • Establish a foundation from which to build disability confidence and capability
  • Set measurable performance goals across key business areas
  • Build awareness and knowledge across your workforce
  • Engage your whole organisation in the access and inclusion agenda
  • Gain a roadmap to accelerate year-on-year progress
  • Formulate a strategic plan for the future

A passion for digital accessibility and employment earns Life Without Barriers a high score for Innovation

Tue 23 June 2020

“Participating in the Access and Inclusion Index Benchmark Report in 2016 was like a new door had opened on our accessibility journey as an organisation. The Index sets out what best practice looks like and now, we use it as the foundation for our business planning,”

explained Fiona Davies, Manager Diversity and Inclusion, People Safety and Culture at Life Without Barriers.  Fiona went on to say,

We’re aspirational. We want to keep pushing ourselves to do even more.

As an organisation, Life Without Barriers is passionate about digital accessibility. To embed accessible practice into their operations, they established a new business unit within their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) division called ICT Digital and Innovation.

This team is led by the Manager Digital and Innovation, Scott McShane, who took an innovative approach to digital accessibility by initiating the creation of an Accessibility Guild, which is a first in the community sector. The Guild is a community of practice which brings together ICT teams and accessibility specialists. The ICT team at Life Without Barriers also works closely with the Centre for Inclusive Design, Vision Australia and other partners. Their mission is to take an accessibility first approach to designing systems and solutions for their clients, employees and communities.

By building digital solutions with accessibility as the first consideration, we ensure our systems are inclusive for all users.

With a philosophy of “getting our hands dirty in order to find a solution”, the Life Without Barriers team is always on the lookout for opportunities to do things better. For several years, Life Without Barriers has held thought-leadership forums, called Ideas Without Barriers to focus on particular aspects of disability policy such as employment, housing or transport. Chaired by Board Director, Graeme Innes, the Ideas forums bring senior stakeholders together to discuss solutions to the barriers faced by people with disability.

Another innovation initiated by Life Without Barriers is a joint venture with Angus Knight to create Joblife Employment – a disability employment service focused on finding employment for people with disability, illness and injury. Not only has Joblife created opportunities for thousands of job seekers facing employment barriers, Life Without Barriers has utilised this partnership to work towards its own employment targets. Life Without Barriers has also partnered with Joblife on important initiatives like AccessAbility Day which gives jobseekers with disability valuable work experience and contacts in workplaces.

Employing people with disability helps Life Without Barriers enhance its culture of accessibility and inclusion. Fiona said,

“Using our results from the Access and Inclusion Index Benchmark Report as a reason to communicate our successes, helps to keep access and inclusion top of mind. It also helps to keep us accountable.”

Inclusive recruitment and selection at NDIA

Wed 3 July 2019

Since its inception, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has had a strong focus on inclusive recruitment practices. In 2016 the agency became the first Australian Public Service to attain Disability Confident Recruiter (DCR) status.

Tim Wedding, Assistant Director Inclusion and Diversity Support Unit, NDIA, shares the strategies that have contributed to their success.

“At NDIA, we’re open about the fact that we aim to be world leaders when it comes to employment of people with disability. Working towards – and ultimately attaining – DCR status really helped sharpen our focus, and our annual participation in the Access and Inclusion Index is always a useful opportunity to undertake an honest assessment of how we’re tracking,” says Tim.

NDIA actively seeks talent with disability through a number of avenues, including the Australian Disability Network’s (AND) Stepping Into internship program, disability recruitment services and its own extensive disability networks. Its recruitment and selection processes ensure adjustments for candidates with disability are provided from the start of the recruitment process, through to on-boarding.

“We ask for preferred methods of contact from applicants and get in touch early on to discuss any adjustments they may need. Not only does this allow us to arrange the adjustments, it also signals that we’re a welcoming and supportive workplace where people can feel comfortable sharing their information,” he says.

An important figure in this process is the Disability Liaison Officer (DLO), whose specialist role is to ensure candidates with disability are provided with everything they need, to make for a smooth recruitment and on-boarding process.

“At the recruitment stage, the adjustments a DLO organises might range from interpreters, to quiet rooms, or the ability to stand in the interview. When a candidate is offered a position, the DLO looks at the workplace, arranges assessments from Occupational Therapists where necessary, and actions any recommendations. We always aim to have adjustments in place as soon as the employee starts work with us,” says Tim.

When it comes to inclusive recruitment, NDIA recognises that it’s not only its own internal processes that matter. Like many organisations, NDIA uses outsourced recruitment services to attract talent, but they make sure all providers they use are also able to confidently support applicants with disability.

We align with organisations and providers that share similar beliefs. Having DCR status is a prerequisite for working with us, so we know our candidates will receive a level of attention to inclusion that’s in line with our standards.

When asked what advice he’d give to other organisations looking to improve inclusion in their recruitment processes, Tim says promoting your values goes a long way.

“Candidates can often feel reluctant to share information about their disability. Show clear information early on around exactly how your recruitment practices are inclusive, demonstrate that all employees are valued and supported. It’s only through those open displays of inclusion that perceived barriers can be broken down – then, you’re a step closer to enjoying the benefits of an inclusive, diverse workforce.”

In its second year of participation, NDIA was recognised as a Top Performer in AND’s 2018-19 Access and Inclusion Index – Australia’s foremost corporate benchmarking tool for inclusion of people with disability.

Learnings from a legacy of inclusion at IBM

Thu 20 June 2019

IBM has a long, proud history of diversity and inclusion which dates back over a century. Way ahead of its time, IBM hired women long before they were given the right to vote and in 1914 hired its first employee with disability, 76 years before the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Recognised as the Top Performer in the Australian Disability Network’s 2018-19 Access and Inclusion Index, IBM continues to set the standard in access and inclusion.

We spoke with Keri Le Page, IBM Inclusion and Diversity Partner Australia/New Zealand, about accessibility at IBM today, and what that means for their suppliers and partners.

Inclusion is certainly imprinted on our DNA and we’ve been reaping the rewards of diversity, right back from when we were founded.

“For our suppliers, that means they’re expected to meet our standards when it comes to accessibility. All information and IT must be able to be used successfully by people with disability. To make it easier for them, we have a detailed suite of web applications and guidelines they’re encouraged to use to ensure their products and services are fully accessible.”

The company’s accessibility guidelines include accessibility checklists for vendors and suppliers, a supplier diversity registration portal, developer guidelines and accessibility conformance reports.

“We’re a large, international organisation, and we use the same guidelines across the globe to ensure consistency. All suppliers and vendors that sell or license software, hardware, web, learning and IT related products and services are strongly encouraged to ensure that the products they sell are accessible. We use an Accessibility Compliance System (ACS) tool to manage accessibility compliance for all products and assets we develop or procure,” she said.

It’s not just about doing the right thing – it’s about creating quality products.

An array of solutions and best practices that speed development efforts and help ensure web and mobile apps conform to industry accessibility standards, is readily available on the company’s website.

The company also employs accessibility teams across the globe to test products to make sure that their technology solutions meet the essential accessibility requirements.

“Accessibility is all part of a bigger picture – IBM’s staunch commitment to diversity and inclusion. I work as part of a global team, influencing strategy and direction with an Australia and New Zealand perspective. With over 60 people internationally in the diversity team, I have amazing resources to draw on. There’s always something going on and exciting new developments happening.”

A culture of acceptance and inclusion that began over a century ago clearly permeates throughout the company today.

For the leaders at IBM, they consider its legacy in diversity and inclusion, and its progress, as having cultivated its leadership position among its technology peers and others in the business world – a win for all.

Realising inclusion through adjustments at DHS

Fri 25 May 2018

The Federal Department of Human Services (DHS) has a number of workplace accessibility policies, programs and initiatives. They were designed to realise the principles of access and inclusion, and provide recruitment, retention and career development opportunities for people with disability.

Workplace adjustments have been a key focus area and have been effective in supporting employees with disability in DHS and across the Australian Public Service via inter-agency shared service arrangements.

Clayton Trevilyan, Assistant Director of DHS’ Access and Inclusion Unit, reflects on the department’s participation in the Australian Disability Network’s (AND) 2017 Access and Inclusion Index. He said:“The Index has helped us prioritise some areas where we could make some real difference. One of the initiatives we’re really proud of is realising the implementation of a Workplace Adjustment Passport. The Passport has provided staff with more confidence to identify any accessibility requirements they may have or adjustments they need to actively participate in all aspects of the workplace.

“The Index also provided the opportunity to evaluate the department’s workplace accessibility programs and services provided to ensure staff were aware of the adjustments available and could access them immediately.”

it was not just about implementing new initiatives, but looking at what was already being done, and to look at the opportunities to improve.

“The department already had a number of access and inclusion programs and services to assist staff throughout all stages of the workplace adjustment process including advice regarding availability and suitability, sourcing and procurement, software installation and support and training.” he said.

“One of the easier changes we made was improving awareness of other initiatives that relate to the workplace adjustment process. This included better visibility of our National Disability Access Coordinator, and the advice and support available to both staff, their managers and HR practitioners of the policies, programs and information available to support people with disability.”

Mr Trevilyan said the Index also identified the opportunity to empower people with disability. The SES Changing Mindsets: Direct Experiences Programme is an immersive cultural program where staff with disability can share their experiences, including the importance of making workplace adjustments.

“Some of the other measures that we have taken to foster a culture of trust and inclusion include International Day of People with Disability Expo event, where we held stalls showcasing services and support available to people with disability. The Expo event incorporated a formal ceremony, highlighting the good work the department has done to support staff with disability.”

We have also developed an Access and Inclusion Video series to showcase the real experiences of staff with disability. The current “Our staff, our stories” videos tell the stories of Julie, Craig, Patsy and Christine, and highlight the importance of realising inclusion through workplace adjustments, particularly in the areas of awareness, contribution, empowerment and sharing.

Craig, whose video focuses on the empowerment that effective workplace adjustments provide for people with disability, says:

The department is growing all the time in the area of empowering people with disabilities by providing adjustments in their workplace.

Talking to everyone – ATO puts accessibility at the forefront of marketing and communication

Tue 9 June 2020

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has completed the Access and Inclusion Index in three of the last four years. According to John Lennox, Assistant Director, Diversity & Inclusion, the reason the ATO participates in the Index is simple:

It’s important to assess ourselves to see how we are tracking year-on-year. We also want to know how we compare to the rest of the market.

“By participating in the Index,” John added, “we can all learn from each other. There might be things the ATO is doing well which we can share with others. Equally, it shows us what we could do better.”

In the 2017 Index Benchmark Report, the ATO was recognised as the second top performing organisation in a field of 28 participants. Yet surprisingly, whilst collating information for their Index submission, the ATO determined it could be doing a lot better than it was. They decided to take a year to pause, reflect and refresh some of their approaches to access and inclusion.

Participating again in 2019, the ATO is recognised for their continued high performance and for their progress in the area of marketing, communication, digital and employee experiences.

One of the reasons for making such progress has been the development of the Digital Inclusion Guide. It sits as a supplement to the ATO’s Style Guide and Content Model to ensure all communications (including meetings, internal communications, external communications and videos) are accessible for all.

As technology is constantly evolving, the ATO is mindful of its commitment to being accessible to all employees, clients and customers. It has developed formal processes for publishing web content on the ATO website that meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA.

ATO’s web content is published in HTML to ensure it meets best practice accessibility guidelines. Videos include captions or transcripts. These practices are supported by formal processes for publishing website content which includes checklists and post-publishing quality assurance processes.

In addition, all employees who develop website content are given accessibility training sessions. So far over 400 staff have been trained in creating accessible content.

For all marketing and communication staff, the ATO has a Diverse Audiences team who assist them with understanding the communication needs of external audiences including people with disability.

The ATO has also connected with people with lived experience to provide enhanced understandings of the issues experienced by people with learning disability, cognitive impairment, and intellectual disability.

By the very nature of its work, the ATO is committed to providing products, services and communications that are accessible to both staff and the Australian community.

As John Lennox explained,

We are all part of the same team and diversity of thoughts, skills and abilities make us a better, more cohesive team. Inclusion is for everyone and the ATO needs to reflect the community it serves.

Story telling helps ANZ staff feel more comfortable sharing disability information

Tue 15 December 2015

A long term commitment, alignment with business strategy and story-telling are all contributing to ANZ’s latest employee survey showing record numbers of staff sharing that they have disability.

When ANZ asked the question for the first time in 2014, the organisation was concerned that only 1.6% of employees chose to state they had a disability.  Despite knowing the numbers were much higher (likely to be as much as 9.2% which is what is attributed to the private sector in the ABS 2012 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers), the bank suspected that employees did not feel safe to answer yes, despite it being part of a wider staff satisfaction survey which was anonymous and non-identifying.  The same question posed one year later in May 2015 showed a dramatic increase, with 7.2% of all respondents answering yes to the question “Do you have a disability?”

ANZ’s Flexibility, Diversity and Inclusion lead, Fiona Vines, is extremely pleased with the 2015 results.  She attributes the large increase to the bank’s decision in 2013 to strongly align their disability focus to their business strategy.  That strategy “making banking easy for all” and for all customers to have a great experience meant that ANZ began to include accessibility as an integral step when developing new products as well as increasing the number of staff with disability to better reflect their customers.

ANZ also increased its involvement in Australian Disability Network (AND)’s PACE mentoring program, and wove accessibility into its community engagement commitments.  ANZ sponsors the Special Olympics and has extended its commitment to netball to improving accessibility for people with disability at a local club level.

Fiona Vines: “We needed to change both our systems and our culture.  We did this by reviewing our recruitment strategies and upskilling our internal and external recruiters with the help of AND.  We reconsidered our workplace adjustment policies and procedures and improved access to branches and ATMs – for example ATMs that talk, have braille and are at wheelchair height.  We’ve also developed new mobile banking applications like GROW and GoMoney which have been winning awards and delighting our customers.  Designing products to be accessible for people with disability means they are more accessible for all our customers and in turn are likely to attract new customers.  That’s a direct benefit to our bottom line.”

The bank has also been tracking outcomes from staff involved in the PACE mentoring program and found that employee satisfaction literally goes through the roof, making it more likely they will stay and give discretionary effort.

ANZ found that while it had been working hard on all these aspects, the organisation wasn’t doing such a good job of telling its people and customers about it.  That changed in 2014.

Fiona Vines says, “At least once a month we’ve got a positive story connected to disability in our intranet, website or on social media.  Our involvement with the Special Olympics and accessible community netball have helped provide these good news stories but so too has our expanding Abilities Network.

“The Abilities Network brings together employees across ANZ who work together to advocate for improvements for staff and customers with disability. Having senior staff get involved has also helped raise the profile and reiterate the message that we are serious about this.  In December 2014, our CEO Mike Smith presented the annual Star Awards on International Day for Disability. The awards celebrate staff who have demonstrated inclusive practice either in the workplace or with customers.

 “We couldn’t do the story telling without having done the work but the story telling is helping to change the culture. It’s making it real to many of our staff who are carers, or who may have an invisible disability such as a mental illness or are living with a degenerative illness.  We believe that 7.2% of employees sharing they have a disability is starting to get us to a critical mass.  We’re not there yet; 15% would be fantastic as we would be reflecting the number of people with disability in the working population but we are beginning to see the pay-off of making accessibility real and part of the fabric of the organisation.”

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