Internship information for employers

Internship information for employers

Engaging with the Stepping Into program is simple: you give us a job description, we find talented students with disability and assess their eligibility. We manage the student and workplace briefings, as well as the evaluation and feedback process when the internship ends.


We run the Stepping Into program twice a year. Review the below timeline to consider participating in the upcoming cohort or contact us for other options.


  • Expressions of interest: End of January
  • Position details confirmed: End of February
  • Shortlist of candidates provided: Early May
  • Internships start: July


  • Expressions of interest: End of July
  • Position details confirmed: End of August
  • Shortlist of candidates provided: Early November
  • Internships start: December/January/February

More information

Who is this program open to?

Organisations who are members of Australian Disability Network are able to participate in this program.

What does it cost?

We charge $4560 + GST for each intern you engage. You’re also responsible for paying the intern’s pro-rata salary for the internship period (including superannuation).

What is the minimum duration for an internship?

Answer: The minimum duration for an internship is 152 hours or four weeks. The program is designed to be flexible and align with university holidays in winter (July) and summer (December, January, February). Since the winter break is typically no longer than four weeks, it can accommodate this minimum duration. However, for longer placements, we recommend scheduling them during the summer break. This is just a suggestion to ensure a more extended and uninterrupted internship experience.

What support do supervisors get throughout the program?

We work with you during the program to provide support and guidance. We’ll also give you a copy of our practical ‘Stepping Into Supervisor’s Guide’, full of helpful information.

How do you find the interns?

We attract eligible students and recent graduates (up to 36 months after they have completed their degree) through the Careers and Disability units at Australian universities. Candidates attend a compulsory briefing session as part of our screening process, and we confirm eligibility in accordance with your requirements before shortlisting.

How do you prepare the interns?

We provide a briefing to all candidates who apply. At this session we can determine each candidate’s readiness for an internship and their suitability for available positions. We don’t shortlist applicants who haven’t attended a briefing session or who don’t meet the eligibility requirements of your organisation.

Does Australian Disability Network check applicants’ references?

No, checking references is the responsibility of the host organisation.

Does Australian Disability Network provide training for the interns?

No, all training, including induction training and specific workplace training, is the responsibility of the host organisation.

What if I change my mind?

If you decide you no longer want to participate in Stepping Into after we have started the student attraction campaign, we may charge a portion of the Stepping Into fee. This fee will be determined in relation to the stage of the recruitment process. For example, if candidates have been shortlisted a full fee is required to cover our costs.

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