Design For Dignity
Retail Guidelines

Guidance on premises


Good lighting is necessary for people to read about products and navigate retail stores. This is especially true for people with low vision who may require better than usual lighting.

Design focus

Lighting levels
  • Entrances, passageways, stairs, walkways and ramps should be lit at 150 Lux.
  • Effective lip reading at 150 Lux.
  • Counter tops at 250 Lux.
  • General displays at 200-300 Lux.

Source: Australian Standard Design for Access and Mobility: Part 2: Enhanced and additional requirements AS 1428.2 (1992).

Glare and direction
  • Lighting also has a relationship to product displays and glare. Viewing displays from different angles, including from low heights, will assist in helping all customers find out about products and services on display.
  • Lighting should not point directly at customers entering the store.